Independent Specialists
in BMW & Mini Cars
Call: 0117 9678 665

All cars three years old or over must have an MOT Test every year to ensure your car is roadworthy and in safe working order
A MOT is a full inspection of your car's general health, condition and road worthiness and mist be carried out at an approved garage or test centre. Named after the Ministry of Transport the test - a requirement for most active vehicles safety and exhaust emissions and must be carried out by a certified and trained specialist
It focuses on the key areas of your car including brakes, bodywork, doors and openings, electrics, exhaust and emissions, horn, lights, seats, seatbelts, steering, tow bar, vehicle ID, wheels and tyres, windows and mirrors as well as some other minor areas
Our experienced testers have a sound engineering background and if your vehicle should fail they will be happy to explain why and actually show you the problem areas. Our team is able to repair your vehicle back to MOT standard without your car needing to leave the premises
You can arrange an MOT now, just call us on 01179 678665, we'll also provide a reminder when your next test is due.
